net practice >>
A multi-curated net art exhibition with selected works chosen for their unique contribution to the early (and ongoing) history of Internet art. Current areas of investigation in the Net Practice area include (h)activism, digital narrative, cyborg cell.ves, creative mindshare, gui.art, image.mapping, ambient zones, metascapes and the uncategorizeable not.art.

This growing database of curated net art projects features links to art sites, artist profiles, interviews, and snapshot reviews of the selected works.

||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
(h)activism >>
These pieces address a vast number of international social issues and appeal to a changing humanity through witty subversions and eye-opening perceptual shifts. (h)activist artists demonstrate a shift in activism from localized cross-cultural efforts. The net has become an important tool for critiquing social issues in a shared forum with an engaging interactive format. As these [h]activist net.artists gain exposure their proposed theories create a more insightful public awareness. These artists are using the medium of net.art to bypass conventions of social and artistic hierarchy through their anti-institutional methods.
Commission Control
Andy Deck
Joe Dellinger

A juxtaposition of divergent representations of present warfare.
Commission Control
Lisa Hutton

Cyber*Babes appropriates other websites to complete a dialogue on the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

RTMark's principal aim is to publicize corporate abuse of democratic processes.
Tuomo Tammenpaa

Need is an artificial brand that offers consumers a nonexistent product through existing product strategies.
Luther Blissett

"An Institute network that uses net structure to deconstruct the traditional power frames".
Uncomfortable Proximity
Graham Harwood

Juxtaposing images and confrontational language, Harwood "mongrelizes" a national treasure.
Uncomfortable Proximity