I bought a flood light today at McGuckins for my Intro to Video class. You can clip it onto something to make it stay. Although the clip that it happens to come with makes me really nervous because it failed to clip securely onto a lot of the things I tried to clip it to, and it sings fierce warnings about making sure that it doesn’t fall and break because it will surely start a fire.


There is another warning label on this flood light that says that I should wash my hands after use because it causes cancer upon the touch. Since everything causes cancer already—or is somehow linked to something that could cause cancer when interacted with in the right way (microwaves, particle wood, formaldehyde, smog, second hand smoke, etc.), this flood light must be multiple times as harmful since they actually bothered to put a warning on it that stated very blatantly, that it’s composite materials cause cancer upon the touch and therefore to wash your hands. Oh my god we're all gonna die.

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