Mark Amerika’s Immobilité at ISEA 2011 / Istanbul Biennial

UNCONTAINABLE: Hyperstrata was held at the Kasa Gallery in partnership with ISEA2011 Istanbul and is part of the Official Parallel Program of the 12th Istanbul Biennial.

The exhibition was curated by Lanfranco Aceti and Özden Şahin and took place from September 14 to October 20, 2011.

The opening night reception had over 300 people in attendance including Mark Amerika, Roy Ascott, and the other participating artists.

Also in the show:
Roy Ascott’s transmediation of La Plissure du Texte in virtual worlds with co-authors Elif Ayter, Max Moswitzer and Selavy Oh is another example of contemporary hyperstrata that layer previous and new evolutionary developments of artworks.

Sean Montgomery shows an artwork where the layering and sedimentation is made of different biological and sensory inputs and outputs that allude to and allure the viewer into future aesthetic landscapes.

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