Mobile Phone Video Art Classics by Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika’s Mobile Phone Video Art Classics (2007) is part digital video installation, part PowerPoint presentation, and part blog performance. Amerika’s MPVAC reedits art history using low-tech mobile phone technology and simple iMovie software.

MPVAC investigates the emergence of digitally constructed identities, theoretical fictions, Amerika composts various art personas and classic 20th century artworks into a narrative sequence of mobile phone video images that conjure up both the spirits of the past as well as hauntological actors of the present.

Starring Salvador Dali, Bruce Nauman, Mark Amerika, Nam June Paik, Baby Jane Holzer, Susan Sontag, Marilyn Manson, and Madonna as themselves.

The work premiered as a solo exhibition at the E:vent gallery in London in conjunction with Amerika’s keynote presentation at “Disrupting Narratives” symposium at the Tate Modern in collaboration with the iRES research cluster at the University College Falmouth.

The work has since been exhibited as a solo exhibition at the Experimental Art Center in Adelaide, Australia, The National Museum of Contemporary Art in Athens, Greece, and the exhibition in Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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