TECHNE.STUDIO is a practice-based research and development lab in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder. TECHNE.STUDIO is actively engaging itself with the Alt-X Online Network, blurr_ (a digital innovation center), and the campus-wide ATLAS program. TECHNE.STUDIO features exceptional net art and theoretical work from students in Fine Arts, blurr_ and ATLAS, as well as work developed by faculty, visiting artists and other practitioners in the net art community.
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
artist ebooks >>
What happens when you embed rich media within the electronic premise of a
so-called artist ebook? Here the printed page is left behind in lieu of an
emerging publication format that intuitively challenges old modes of authorship
and offers new avenues for the invention and distribution of experiential
documents that play with the interface of visual art, literature, artist theory,
sonic foundries, motion graphics, and textual performance.
Casey McGuire
"Autobiography through sensations, sentiments, and interactions. Everything is
in the details." (2mb)
Mechanographical Love Prose
William Maxwell
"Media as extension of sensorium. Relationship cascades to design and back
again." (16mb)
screenfull: the book
Abe Linkoln
"guns, duchamp, and magnetic lassos." (8mb)
Words Attack
Hilary Clarcq
"Words take over this authorless ebook. Your mind might be next!" (2mb)