eToy >>


||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] In late 1999, the largest online toy retailer, eToys, attempted to buy off the domain name, etoy.com, from the European arts collective etoy, for $500.000. etoy turned down the offer. In response, eToys obtained a court order to shut down etoy.com, which had been registered to etoy before eToys even existed. To fight this circumspect corporate behavior, RTMark, unrelated to etoy in any way before this incident, launched the etoy fund: a Toywar project geared towards reprimanding eToys by lowering their market share as much as possible. RTMark's Etoy fund offers a number of different possible actions one can take on behalf of this missive, in order to teach eToys and the dot-com industry as a whole, a lesson they will never forget." The separate projects can be supported anonymously and simply require the support of investors anywhere.