In Memoriam To Postmodernism: Essays on the Avant-Pop

This collection of irreverent, bold, and challenging cutting-edge essays explores the cultural phenomenon of “avant-pop.”  Originally “published” on the World Wide Web at the Alt-X publishing site in the spring of 1995, this collection now appears as a physical book you can hold in your hand, throw at the wall or immortalize in your private altars. Essays by Brooks Landon, Michael Joyce, Eurudyce, Curtis White, David Blair, Larry McCaffery, Ronald Sukenick, Takayuki Tatsumi, Martin Schecter, Mark Amerika, Lance Olsen, Steven Shaviro, Harry Polkinhorn, Raymond Federman, Harold Jaffe, and Don Webb.

From the editors’ “Introduction”:

“Most so-called “postmodern” theorists discuss discursive subversion in discourses that are (ironically) tight-assedly Cartesian. The whole purpose of this sort of intro to the Avant-Pop attempts to discuss discursive subversion in a form that is itself discursively subversive, yet (we hope) readable. A question to ask ourselves is: What was postmodernism?

a) a menu
b) dispersal
c) mutant forms of play
d) decenterment
e) polymorphous metanarratives full of themselves
f) clever misreadings
g) demystification of the self (whose Identity became plural and perverse)

You can purchase the book here.

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