Avant-Pop >>
Mark Amerika
"What would the Futurists have done with an information superhighway?"
Ctheory >>
Mark Amerika
Digital delirium for the virtual class.
filmtext 2.0 >>
Mark Amerika
Ambient travel: thoughtography and metatourism in digital landscapes.
Network Installations, Creative Exhibitionism and Virtual Republishing >>
Mark Amerika
Perhaps the first online essay to address net art and the exhibition context.
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Profile] Mark Amerika is a the Faculty Director of the Histories of Internet Art
site. His Filmtext 2.0 net art work was made in collaboration with Chad
Mossholder and John Vega and has been exhibited internationally. |