Little Movies >>
Lev Manovich
"A word is worth a thousand pictures." In this early net art work by Lev
Manovich we see not only cinema's rebirth online, but also a precursor of the
moving images' growing importance in the text filled internet space
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] "Little Movies is a lyrical and theoretical project about the
aesthetics of digital cinema, and a eulogy to its earliest form—QuickTime.
Beginning with the supposition that every new medium relies on the content of
previous media, "Little Movies" features key moments in the history of cinema
as its logical subject... As time passes, the medium becomes the message, that
is, the "look," more than the content of any media technology of the past is
what lingers on. "Little Movies" reads digital media of the 1990's from a
hypothetical future, foregrounding its basic properties: the pixel, the
computer screen, the scanlines."