Dada Photomontage and Sitemaps >>
George Dillon
Dillon divides Internet sensibilities into four categories: Researcher,
explorer, browser, and connector. He goes on to discuss their differences
and significance as related to the net surfing experience. He also relates
sitemapping and hypertext to previous art movements and so offers a way
to contextualize what is seen on the Internet from a historical perspective
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] [from the site:] "The hypertext page has words and images linking to other
words and images; Dada photomontage is made up of bits of photos and
other images along with words and phrases from the media, not "things"
but signifiers. These signifiers are recomposed into a new whole but
point always to another "page" from which they were snipped. So the
Dada photomontage is like a sitemap--an image of one way all the
fragments go together."