Combinations >>
John F. Simon, Jr.
Combinations looks deep into the creative process of the mind and maps the
image as a whole.
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] Combinations is an interactive conceptual project created for the Web by John
F. Simon, Jr. It utilizes the theory and practices of artist Sol LeWitt, whose
work employs combinations of lines arranged and overlapped in endless patterns.
This work presents all combinations of four line-figures iterated and 'drawn'
by a program through the viewer and then presented as a whole. The work plays
with interaction and the relationship between creator and viewer. Combinations
creates an environment where the viewer >forms the meaning of the work and the
artist merely makes the art visible.