Mark Napier
Arguably more useful than the information that it reorganizes.
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] Mark Napier’s FEED has been described as "a 'non-information information
terminal,' [plotting] out the pixel values of real-time data and news into a
nonsensical, beautiful stream of colors." The FEED terminal allows viewers to
experience abstracted representations of the information that makes up the web.
For instance, www.weather.com ceases to function as a tool to perform a
particular task and becomes an esthetic visual experience, growing and changing
according to the data of the web. As the network data streams from one server
to another and is shot through an artistic algorithm designed by the artist,
the world of information overload becomes an aesthetic pleasure.