Nettime >>
Pit Schultz
As the nettimers themselves say in their info section, nettime "is not just a
mailing list but an effort to formulate an international, networked discourse
that neither promotes a dominant euphoria (to sell products) nor continues the
cynical pessimism, spread by journalists and intellectuals in the 'old' media
who generalize about 'new' media with no clear understanding of their
communication aspects." Sure, they have their fair share of heavily skewed
propaganda, but there's something to it, especially 1995-96 when it meant
||| HIAFF 3.0 | university of colorado | department of art and art history | digital arts area | in conjunction with alt-x | atlas | blurr
[Intro] "maybe someone of you read erik davis' last book, in which he
names the great antagonist of our times 'hermes,' the trickster, god of trade
and thieves, and god of communication. michel serres, also a kind of half-god
in the academic sense, made him the hero of his studies. this figure, may be a
data dandy, parasite and prankster, may be a guy formally called an artist,
but certainly out to make fun and profit of all of you who try to get him, was
probably the god of too."
Pit Schultz
(translation by HIAFF)