Moon Song
- We Like the Moon |
The Moon Song animation was created by Joel Veitch from and features a song performed by him and his brother. Created for no other purpose than pure fun and entertainment, the animation is of two odd looking creatures singing about their love of the moon. Though the lyrics seem rather nonsensical, it is highly entertaining and catchy nonetheless. The Moon Song is another example of a Digital Meme that broke out of the confines of the internet. The two creatures that sing the Moon Song are also featured in a commercial by Quiznos Subs where the song has been modified to expound upon their like of subs. We like this meme, but not as much as cheese... Interview with Joel Veitch 1. Tell me about yourself and what you do: 1. How would you describe the We Like the Moon animation? 2. Do you view this project as art? 3. What are your inspirations and what made you decide to create
this piece? 4. What is your background in flash animation? 5. Where did thebackground song to We Like the Moon come from? 6. I will be including this interview as well as a link to your project
in our site, is there a specific link that you would like me to use? 7. Do you have a personal website aside from the url to this piece
that you would like us to link to? 8. Is there any additional information that you would like to tell
our audiences?